

The mirror
The mirror. They said don't look In the mirror but one night after she took off her heavy make-up she would stand by the mirror and stare at the reflection
of someone she did not recognize,
but quickly looks away in fear, remembering all the insults she has been
hearing about the monster in the mirror whose eyes were hollowed as if there was no one staring back.
Each night she would hear a mysterious voice from her reflection in the mirror.
It was as though the voice was calling out to her but no matter how hard she
tried to ignore it she could not ignore the intense feelings that wavered between them, but the longer she stood there
it was starting to feel as though she shared the same emotions as the monster in the mirror
after a while of listening to the voice and looking into its eyes, the cry for help was pretty evident, but the question that had her thinking
long and hard was, how could a monster feel such intense emotions? and
It was asking for help, Help? How could that be? why would a monster ask for help?
Then she slowly glances up at the monster and reaches out to the monster and caresses its cheeks without fear. The girl is shocked when the monster imitates her actions but the girl does not move away instead she leans into the monster's warm touch a feeling she hadn’t felt
since she was young, back when did not have to spend two hours on her face before going out, back
when she did not have to practice her smile before going out of the house, back when she would genuinely laugh
because something was funny. Tears slowly escape her eyes and she looks up the
Mirror but instead of seeing the monster this time she finally sees a reflection of the girl
she did not know she had missed so much with her vibrant brown eyes and a smile on her face.
The voice starts to fade away each day she pays a visit to the girl in the mirror.

© yourgirlT