


As sturdy as the old tree, that grew in our backyard
She sits under the shades, to tell a thousand stories
With the young at heart, flocking her skirts
Like little goslings, honk honking in delight
Savvy is her name, echoed through timeless ages
Though her crown unseen, glimpse of it we see
Her words doled out are, with drops of sagacity
Drawn by sparks of kindness, she calls in few
For only the wise at heart, learns to heed her voice
Two strangers arrived, to search for the old wise one
With no use of pointers, for her place is known by all
The bubbles of the little ones, was beacon of light to see
As the strangers exhaled in relief, for true gold found they
© sailabby

#poetry #storyteller #beunique #scriptitout #fiction #writcostories #nimble #poem

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