

Beautiful Goodbye!!!
Every step that she
takes make my heart
beat faster than ever.
The dazzling smile
that she wore
were all that I craved
for, in those years.
The bubbles of
happiness vapors
through her eyes
telling how delightful
she was feeling
at that time.
Her beautiful soft
hands were holding
my hands tightly
as she wanted to
tie them for
Her white gown
and silver crown
were definitely
proudly upon
them as they were
hers' only choice.
My hands were
shaking and I
was sweating
and my heart
were aching
to say her goodbye
yet I pretended
to be happy and
disguised my tears
through my fake
and big smile
just to see her
beautiful face
blushing with
I tightened the grip
then loose slowly
as I knew and had
been prepared for
this moment but
still, I was unable
to do that perfectly.

to be continued...

Pooja Gaur

© pooja gaur