

Long Live The Strong Ones
Life is getting unbearable,
Getting used to it in the process,
To escape is unthinkable,
It will make you think that you're in a land of eerie beauties

I watch each day as it passes
On its way to pave for another one
To be filled with the miseries of yesterday
The skyrocketing prices
The untamed black market rates
The endless white collar crimes
A world drowning in corruption
Who will come to the rescue?

The poor becoming poorer
The richer getting richer still
The scales of inequality tipping over more
The oppressed left in the lurch
To rot as they wait for the d-day
The day that may never come.

I will rise to the challenge
I will not wait to be free
I will take freedom with storm
Let me be the author of my destiny
As I evade the unloving world
And stand on the terraces of my achievements
A lone spectator to my greatness!

#writco community