

A Number's Face
Older men see themselves in younger men,
A mirror of the past, again and again.
In youthful eyes, they find their dreams,
Their past ambitions, flowing streams.

The vigor, strength, and hopes once held,
In younger hearts, now softly meld.
They see their former selves reborn,
A cycle turning, night to morn.

But older women, through time’s soft pace,
Sees a youthful heart an ageless grace.
Not reflections, but a tender view,
Of timeless beauty, forever new.

In every mirror, they see their prime,
A dance with youth, across the time.
With wisdom gained, and yet, they see,
The young they were, and still could be.

For men, it’s legacy they chase,
In younger souls, their hopes they place.
For women, it’s a blend of then,
A timeless link, now and again.

Two different views, both deeply true,
In age we understand, the things we learnt in youth
While the ability to see true beauty, means never growing old.
For in every moment, our hearts remain young and our spirits forever bold.

And so in these reflections, this truth appears,
In the dance of time far across the years.
Cause age is but a number's face,
While the spirit's youth remains firmly in place!!


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo