

special one in life
Once there was a teacher and a student.
The teacher was confident and cheerful
The student always dreamed to be that skillful.
But for the first time didn't get the chance
But later on things changed,
There relation was enhanced.
There was a beautiful bond forming between them.
Before the exams the teacher realised something was off.
The student who was always smiling and confident was not anymore on the top .
He confronted her and she finally let out all she was holding.
Finally she got someone to rely during the times when she was healing.
Time went by,
And during the holidays it gradually became even better.
They shared similar interests.
Which became a reason, there were poems that were exchanged.
Suggestions for books and movies were always the best.
Never ran out of topic cause of those similar interests.
It went on and on for the whole vacation
The student finally got back the lost motivation.
And again they were back to school,
Everything was going smooth and cool.
Then arrived a competition,
And the student again forgot the ambition.
She was back to her own lost world,
They both were busy with their stuff,
But didn't notice when the tables turned,
They were distanced,
Because of the student's hesitations.
But somehow it was little sorted out,
Still there were some uncleared doubts .

They kinda got good again
But those feelings didn't completely go away,
They both made efforts to make each other stay.
Moving on it was a new year
But the start couldn't get any worse,
Both were hurt and sad
And maybe cried during nights too.
The student was low tempered and sensitive
But the teacher was calm and composed , still made the efforts to clear all negatives.
Again they got normal but didn't get to interact like before,
Again got busy with preparations for the function that they wanted perfect,
It went on and on
They started the preparations for that,
And the student expected herself to be perfect
As always didn't want to disappoint the person who encouraged her all the time,
Had some squabbles once in a while,
But finally it ended and turned out to be the best,
And now again they'll be back to their normal life
The teacher with his teaching and the student with her tests
Now they have limited time left together,
Let's hope they cherish all the remaining moments happy and sad either,
Maybe some drastic changes will come
But none of them will forget these beautiful moments shared.
The student just wanna thank him for being the most amazing friend,
Thank you for being there and listening to stories and endless rants.
Thank you for being there when there's no one to talk to her
No words can explain how lucky and grateful she is to have a teacher and friend like him.
Maybe after years they'll meet new people
She'll get new friends and teachers and he'll get more better and smart students
But they would never forget each other
As both of them played a very important role in each other's lives
He once said " be with people whose face lights up when they see you smile"
This became the thing she would never forget in life