

Do you wanna hear it all,
You know I am not good at fiction.
And maybe I am called lots like harlots
I hear it,
I hear all the sorts of creativity put on my postures and character and all I am called
How them filths, those assroids hiss to my mini skirt just like their lips are made to zeee on each petal that ogles Flora behavior.
And now you jump out of no where, trust your psyching cortex to confront me and ask .. haha

Do you wanna hear it all
I will well make it worth for your ears to acknowledge truth and be set free
I am a not that piece of bun you live in your house for bedroom to cook you nkwobi,
and prepare for a sleepless night.
I am not to be dominated by your masculine supremacy, no.
I am a lot and as a black woman...
I am strong cognitively and abeg you never get physical with me
For hearts like ours are made of iron.
I have seen a lot straight from home where I had a single mom to give me a way in a time where we were busy this lost.
I have been standing for 4hours at my job,
I have killed myself with flights, early wakings, late breakouts.
and I surely never trusted my life with a son whose mom never nurtured in line with my desire.
I have always set a class and never thought of someone to beat it
i have spent over a full rack on threads just to be wowed.
bought goodies to betters.

So dear flirter,
I don't think there is
a world you could give me now I never met.
I have been there where they hurt and quiet so shut fun
I am like an astronaut who went to space and rewrote the stars...

© Kaiso Isaac