

Life's greatest secrets
In life's trial and test,
Here's some wisdom for what's best.
Listen close as we unfold,
The advice, both firm and bold.

First, work hard, don't shy away,
Success comes to those who stay.
But know that failure, too, will come,
And from it, lessons will be won.

Second, be wary, trust with care,
Not everyone is truly fair.
Keep your eyes open, don't be blind,
To the wolves disguised as kind.

Third, save your pennies, watch them grow,
For rainy days, you'll need them so.
But don't let greed become your guide,
Or in wealth, your soul will hide.

Fourth, cherish family, hold them tight,
In their love, find your light.
But know that families also feud,
And forgiveness may be pursued.

Fifth, take care of body and mind,
In health, true wealth you'll find.
But don't expect perfection's gleam,
For flaws are part of the human scheme.

Sixth, be cautious in affairs of heart,
For love's journey can tear apart.
Guard your feelings, but don't close,
For love's embrace, the heart still knows.

Seventh, be ready for life's twist,
Change can come with a mighty fist.
Adapt, adjust, and don't despair,
For resilience, life will prepare.

Eighth, be grateful for what you've got,
In the simple joys, find your lot.
But know that life can be unkind,
And hardships may leave scars behind.

Ninth, be honest, but with tact,
For truth can sometimes be a fact.
But consider others' feelings too,
In every word and deed you do.

Tenth, be realistic, this we preach,
For life's not always within reach.
Dream big, but keep your feet on ground,
In reality, true success is found.

So heed these words, in life's array,
They'll guide you through the night and day.
Realistic wisdom, tried and true,
Will help you navigate life's view.

© Joealan