

Night Beauty

Pacing through the lonely sidewalk
Flanked both sides by lively green branches
The night dimly lit by the hesitant half-moon
I shuddered as the cold air danced around me
Need to pick up the pace, I say
As I started down the descending path
That's when I saw her
'Was just like the first time
Her silhouette was mesmerizing
Structured like a subtle work of art
She stood as if transfixed in thought
Looking up at the sky tarnished
With brilliant twinkling little stars
Her hair had the dim glow of the moon
She stood sideways from me
I could see her dimensions but not her face
I guess she felt my presence or I made a sound, Cos I know I sighed at her sight
For she turned ever so gently to see me
Captivating me instantly
I stared long and unashamedly
Enchanting eyebrows graced her illumined face adorned with peaceful eyes gazing at me in childlike marvel
Her full lips trembled a bit, from the cold perhaps
And then slipped into a smile
That ravishing exquisite beautiful smile
The smile that stole my heart
No, she didn't steal it
I gave it to her
Willingly, hopelessly, hopefully
That she keeps it safe
For I am hers to do as she wills
I smiled back as I bounced forward
Hope she had not waited for long
I enclosed her in my arms
I had promised to never let go
She had agreed to stay
I held her tight, My Love
Or as I love to call her
My Night Beauty

© Gloria walters