

Where would I be without you
Walking together
Chatting to eachother
You're always by my side
Wherever I go

Where would I be without you

You give me a shoulder to cry on
When I feel alone
When I feel worthless
You make me feel loved

Where would I be without you

When I'm having a rough day
With people's nasty ways
They poison me
But you are there to comfort me

Where would I be without you

You act as armour protecting me
Shielding me from danger
You are my jacket when I feel cold
You are the most expensive gift

Where would I be without you

Your precious heart is made of gold
It's as solid as a brick wall
Our bond is firm
You are there to strengthen me

Where would I be without you

When I cut my finger
You were my plaster
When I was trapped on a boat
You were there to rescue me

Where would I be without you

When my heart is shattered
You are my super glue.
When I feel anxious
You are right beside me

Where would I be without you

When I see fog
You clear the path for me
so I can see a brighter

Where would I be without you

You shine brighter than a star
Your smile heals me
My love pours out to you
Thank you for everything

© Haul Guma