

Heartbreak Online🧡
Life was boring, until we met online.
Began to text, almost all the time,
Eventually to become each other's habit.
It felt as if we were the perfect fit.

Time ticked away swiftly,
Days, weeks, then months gradually.
I felt I knew him well,
Infact unaware, for him how hard I fell.

Fondled feelings of fondness for him,
I let him dwell in my daily dreams.
His importance seemed to soar high,
Over issues over we'd fought, I'ld cry.

Initially he was reluctant to reciprocate,
But better than never is to be late.
He confessed to me his affection,
Promised not to leave me in any situation.

Neither of us had really met,
Texted online, whenever time we'ld get.
Was it really love or mere infatuation?
To this, was there any destination?

Slowly, I began to invest more time,
But the newly grown leaf was losing its shine.
Soon I found Us dwindling.
As his feelings for me started fading.

Being ignored, avoided, hurt me hard.
His constant thoughts were making me mad.
I realised that his every word was in pretence.
He didn't genuinely mean any of his sentence.

I was fighting a battle I'd already lost.
To rekindle the flame, I'ld pay any cost.
Missing him, I aimlessly waited for a text,
which took minutes, hours, then days.

He looked for lust in me, which was absent.
I couldn't figure it out as it was latent.
His valued passion over affection.
And it had grown into his obsession.

It broke me up with a sudden realisation,
All my efforts were simply in vain.
I cared for him for no reason,
And my love for him hadn't any condition.

I gave him no second look,
And to end this mess, a moment I took.
Still trying to ease up the tension,
That guy taught me a difficult lesson.

© ShriMukh