

"HU, The One."
In the whispers of the wind , Hu is heard,
In the silence of the soul an unspoken word.
Within the heart, in the dawns gentle hue,
There lies the essence, the eternal Hu.
A breath in the stillness, a sigh in the night,
The infinite whisper, pure and bright.
In the depths of the heart, where mysteries brew,
Hu is the nane , the essence true.
In the dance of shadows, in the lights soft glow,
In the ebb and flow where the rivers go.
In the heartbeat of life, in every dew,
The secret pulse is the sound of Hu.
No beginning, no end, just a circle sublime,
Hu is the moment, outside of time.
In every heartbeat, in each whispering tree,
Hu is the essence, the eternal sea.
In the lover's gaze,in the mystics trance,
In the sacred rhythm of the soul's own dance.
Through the veils of illusion, piercing through,
Lies the eternal, the boundless Hu .

© shazis synergies