

sadness has the last laugh
I bite the bait of sadness
Happiness has taken a break
I see it yawning away to glory
Death's remnants are stuck on my teeth
I am unable to dislodge them or brush them away
I down pegs of sympathy
And watch myself getting drunk on pity
The mind is clogged with chunks of grief
I am sucked in the whirlpool of love's ashes
My body reeks of blame, anger
Acceptance waits to be accepted
Unrelenting, unrepentant, I push it away
Only to rush into the extended arms of self loathing
I have walked away from me
Sadness is grieving with me
I look into the eyes of time
I see myself far away, arms outstretched
Waiting to hug an exhausted me
I must give time to time
I must walk on the pathway of sadness to reach me
I finally surrender to time in time
Time has sucked me deep into its painful womb
I suck its hands to still its tick tock
I watch, as sadness has the last laugh.