

when I’m alone I think of you
and how apart we finally grew
in the 8 year bit we raised our fists we grew apart n said bad shit
we took for granted the time we had
the loss of love was brutally sad the lack of trust from u was not your fault
your sister just had to big of a mouth
and what she spewd from it were lies to say the least
so by the end of it we were beat
I can’t believe the way we ended
I left u there completely suspended
not knowing if I was coming or going
that must have been hard on you
and for this I’m sorry hurting you wasn’t what I wanted to do because of the powerful love I have for you I don’t feel the same as I did back then but I still do love you your my best friend some things I’d change. but please realize
it’s only the bullshit n deceitful lies
you yourself I love without doubt and we can change the past by the choices we make and not living to fast by living this way it’s designed to progress
and many we can live our lives in bliss
cause all I’ve ever asked from u
is time and effort
it’s all we have to do. to live together
in peace forever my ride or die it’s now or never !

© Reaper Weaper