

Echoes from the Depths: The Enigmatic Message of the Well
#WritcoPoemPrompt58 by @jasmineshri....

I dreamt of falling down a well,
A narrow tube, deep beneath the earth,
Dark and moist, I saw a small child,
What’s it trying to tell?

In my dream, I fell down a well,
A narrow tube, so deep and steep,
The earth above, a distant spell,
A darkness that did my heart keep.

I saw a child, so small and meek,
In this place, where I did seek,
A guiding light, a gentle speak,
A message from the depths below.

The child's eyes, so bright and wide,
Did shine like stars in the dark tide,
And though I could not understand,
I knew that I was in their hand.

They spoke in whispers, soft and low,
A language that only they did know,
But in their voice, I heard a truth,
That in my heart, I did unloose.

The well, it seemed, was a test,
A journey through the earth's crust,
To find the secrets that lie deep,
And bring them to the world's peak.

The child, a guide, so pure and true,
Led me through the darkness anew,
And as I climbed, I found the way,
To a brighter day, come what may.

So let us listen to the dream,
And heed the message, pure and serene,
For in the depths of the well's dark stream,
Lies the truth that we all must glean.