

I take the blame
Some say it is a shame _ But even in my next life, my view remains the same. Because I do not take life as a game

Why point to others
When you are in errors
You are alive, acknowledge what has happened did not lead to your funeral. To change the narrative you need to get serious

I listen when others complain _ I sometimes even feel their pains. And especially as life terror rains
But I do not travel with that train

Because of the greater He that is within _ I meditate that He will make things plain. As He reveals the thick and thin. I see my faults and take my lane

Bad comes before Good
Even in the beginning that was what it was, A formless world God created, adjusted, and rested _ There are 3 stances of existence, Spirit, Body, and Soul

If you refuse to learn, you won't know. Without acceptance of your errors, you won't grow. Blame is the pressure that makes life flow
Your reactions make you fast or slow

Your body is a building
That needs serving and feeding. It is your soul that needs counseling and healing
And the spirit is a route of sailing and channeling

Even if you cut or touch the mud. Take the blame as the reason for not being the same
Tomorrow as you explain your dream _ Then and now will be refrained

I always pray that my enemies live long enough
To see, that all their thoughts and feelings were errors. Amidst all the horrors I took the blame to live, love, and trust others better

I am not the same
Because I now avoid the blame _ I follow my dreams and I happily scream _ I am not ashamed!!! My life has a theme

© Jarry B Blie