

Lies can't Hide from the Truth
The greed of our countrie ,homeless to give your money the residue of minimum wages.
Their justice is just treason.
How crooked can you be, better to steal and not be a thief.
Let's ask about the the system of United States.
Why are we charged for our gross, but the money we bring home, life doesn't add up for tha bill's .
The government is the biggest criminal in the world .
They are pimping all the resources for their pockets, to stay rich and yours Just with an opinion.
Everything has become a scam
Even your friends and family Members.
This is how the jobs are scamming the workers too.
There is a known safe place but with Jesus, unless you are in his presence
The last days are Showing signs more clearly, why we can't come together for worship but we can come together for funerals and drama. Sin is the oldest way to die as A fool.
The world is brainwash to die and not live.
Frederick Pennix Aka Praiser The Poet The Show:Off Worshiper
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