

Echoes of Eternity: The Haunted Remnants of Time's Embrace
#WritcoPoemChallenge by @jasmineshri,

Lost in time,
weaved with memories,
It was but an old house,
But filled an unknown chaos.

In twilight's hush, where shadows dance and play,
Lost in time, weaved with memories of days gone by,
An old house stands, a testament to ages past,
Its walls, a canvas, etched with stories that will last.

The creaking floorboards whisper tales of laughter and tears,
The walls, a tapestry of joy, and fears,
The windows, like eyes, gazing out at the years,
A witness to the seasons, as they fade and appear.

The wind whispers secrets, of a time long gone,
Echoes of lives, that once were young and bright,
Their laughter and their loves, their hopes and their plight,
All enshrined within these walls, a timeless sight.

The old house, a sentinel of days gone by,
A guardian of memories, that never die,
A place where time stands still, and love does too,
A sanctuary, where the heart can renew.