

My name is Stress.
Also known as 'Without Rest'.
Do I need to buttress?
Okay, let me come to the set.

I make you to have no time for yourself.
I like it when you say 'I will do it all by myself '
Haha! When is it going to be done?
I don't think you can finish it before the time is gone!

It's good to have some of me
But bad to have too much of me
Cause I will make you reason
But not in all season

I can come to you mentally
Mental stress
I can come to you emotionally
Emotional stress

I can come to your Job
Occupational stress
Which involve physical job
Physically stress

Why can't you share the burden
Talk to someone trustworthy
You alone can't carry all the burden
This is the advice I can give that is worthy.

Again, rely and speak to God Almighty
He will pave and show you the best way
I can only be mighty
If you don't know the 'Paver of the Way'

Let me put a stop here
Haha! me as a Stress needs some Rest
This is what I can write about me here
Learn more about me and do the rest.

I come to anyone, rich, poor, adult, youth, kids, students, worker, etc.

Just try and create time for SOME REST which is ESSENTIAL but don't be LAZY. Have fun with family and friends; get to know people around you especially your FAMILY.
For you never can tell. So that it won't be late for you or you won't regret it and say 'HAD I KNOW'

Remember, have a taste of some me but not too much of me!

Love from Fab.cho

© Fab.cho