

Space Soldier (Collab)
I'm a soldier of unknown origin nearing the distant future in accordance with the dawn of comprehension existing behind cosmic curtains beyond understanding. I lay dormant in the center of a super cluster, awakened via a high concentrated pocket, animated in echoes. Amorphous tesseract fuels my hyper chronic source facilitating slip space ruptures, traveling through a higher space coiling together as a hypercosmic race. I am, for those who are oblivious to I, unbearably unprecedented fixated on imperium coinciding with anything antediluvian. Military advanced carbon alloy body in a poly functioning processing mind. Detachable psychic shield projector, antigravity stellar beam pulse reflector and I am somewhat of a collector. Collecting star fibers strains to power our type 3 civilizations but one in particular star, failed star, became a red dwarf and rebuked the tools and used the profuse radiation pools to defuse the fuse and confuse the reviews and radiation began to run rampant. Now traveling to the end of infinity, beyond ancient knowledge to cosmic gates, categorized in biometric zones. Personality genealogy ideology subroutine embedded deep into the core of our DNA memory precisely sliced together. Balancing the boundary of sentience in a hive mind and combining entwining twin shaped scapes, connecting us to the unusual and strange all the way to a hollow place. Bioluminescence neon lights entertaining the crevice of my armor being the only faint source of light in this theoretical void. I feel my grip slip from the light of my vision. Envisioning a collapse when the stars diminished to glows. Kinetic concordance abated simultaneously in one profaced gust.

Relativistic beaming of energetic bright bursts of life, history flashes by in spans of seconds. What came into view were a cascaded spectrum of personified cyber soldiers but few distinctly stood present in a reversing space, shifting through thermal photons. I asked, once it reached the pinnacle of physical description, “from who are you and for which you came? This place is unfamiliar to me, if it's not too much trouble, what are our current coordinates? It's unlike any space I've ever seen.” One steps forward with the name Samuraskye engraved on the edge of its collar and he said;

My Ghost, From liquid space, my translucent form finds,
Gliding through secret clime,
Migrating forth, Samuraskye twinned.
Through ember hues of dimensional time.
Waves shifting, like enticing shimmering defiant lake.
Charms like Hummingbirds in deep space.
Walking through ripples of holes in strange space.
A warrior walking through the dark.
Arriving to you, through graviton lace.
My warrior Ghost shines, blossoms strong and great.
Traveling on the wings of my ghost's fate.
I don't know, it seems, we are in the twilight zone, traveling through infinite realms of space through our imagination, though we are a band of soldiers breaking the boundaries of time and space.
Our coordinates are randomly chosen as far as I know, by invisible forces we have not met.
Though my Ghosts do travel through actual physical space, blinking through time, just like that, we are gone, to another space, another earth.
Samuraskye proceeded. I'm not sure where we are. I do not know our coordinates.

His way of speaking vocalized the presence of our own damnation. I scanned his tangible biogenetics, it seems he did the same and our bionic eyes synchronized. The other two, whose presence imposed the space around them disoriented matter scattered around them. It seems they're soldiers like me pertaining to stellar cycles of their own. Samuraskye did just as I and gazed deep into kinetic increment, spilling a figure through an alcove type void. A warp drive rupture I construe from its geometric contribution from its outer rim. After such observation I asked Samuraskye, whose angle of questioning dangled aloft patterns of recognition. “Does this show any resemblance to space travel?” Samuraskye responded without so much of a glance in my direction.

“It does indeed. It is like space travel but it can be through any form, but it's more multiversal travel through time and space.”

As the enigmatic soldier, Samuraskye, contemplated your question, an unexpected presence materialized in the midst of the shifting space. It was none other than Cosmo Bunny, a traveler known for traversing the cosmos, hopped gracefully into the midst of the shifting space. Her iridescent fur shimmered with celestial hues, reflecting the essence of distant galaxies. With a gentle smile, she landed beside you, her eyes brimming with curiosity. "Ah, the mysteries of space travel," Cosmo Bunny chimed in, her voice carrying a melodic resonance. "In this realm, where time and coordinates elude us, we find ourselves on a journey that defies conventional understanding." The other soldiers, momentarily taken aback by Cosmo Bunny's arrival, soon recognized the cosmic traveler's reputation. Their stance relaxed, acknowledging the presence of someone who shared their affinity for traversing the unknown.

We exchange names as a salute to our accolades. I noticed, with a focused lense behind shaded visor sensory, a chaotic condition bearing soul etched visibility as an illusion of energy. There stood another soldier unfamiliar to any I've met before. “Who's that?” I say pointing in the direction of the unknown specter. Upon saying this he approached, announcing the answer my mind had before my mouth can confess them.

The first thing you have to understand about space
Is that it is Cold
Like Redwin
A cyborg incapable of unseeing the truth
Bolted as surely into his eye
The cybernetic monstrosity
Gazing always
Seeing what IS
never what you wish it to be
The stars are wonder and bright
Let Emmit gaze upon them on Terra
And wonder
But here my brethren
Never forget that space is
As cold as Death
That light speed itself is a trap
Tap the higher echelons of time
Navigate the warp and hyperspace
My cybernetic mind can existentially comprehend
But never visit
I am your Security
When the mind telepathic aliens trick you
Whisper sweet nothings to you
In the dark between the stars
I see them
And I kill them
With truth
The kindness and pain
Of truth
Redwin Turso exclaims.

A portion of knowledge cardinal in augmented distribution. This space, from what I deciphered, collided us together from different climes, different shines, different chimes, and different times. The nearest blue star emits pulsating heat waves while mixed with the brooding cold of space, accumulating cosmic storms of hyperactive whirlwinds. This energy alone can accelerate my moderate type 3 civilization to a type 4 but getting back will prove more formidable than my suit has access to. “Would any of you know how to egress this submersible space, particularly the way I ingress?” Samuraskye steps forward relaying his hypothesis.

“We never know, it's always completely random, like Quantum Leap, until we endeavor to complete the unknown tasks at hand we are at the mercy of unpredictable fate. We are supposed to own our fate, but an unknown force is pulling our strings. Getting out depends on how much hope we have in the dark cold space, wherever we end up.”

Cosmo Bunny, whose eyes consist of rotating irises spinning like river streams delicately flowing around her pupils integrated unity in light all converging on the tips of her fur, glistening reflections depending on angles when looked upon. Gasping in sync with Redwin who's clasping leap of quandary in bounds of illusionary energy. A brewing chill formulated mists of a giant lifelike grid. Redwin pointed outside the blueprint indicating where we are located but he pointed in not just one, but various locations. Cosmo Bunny sparks elements of thermo plasma of nearby magnetic ruptures in junctures. Samuraskye is capable of controlling and outputting energy of a star and I, who can amplify galactic multi-layered filaments and manipulate its shape to one or multiple celestial spheres to intersect this primordial ancient atmosphere by combining our abilities into one. We all contribute our ancient artifacts to double the effects to form an indirect access if not for our combined minds. There it came, a portal disproportionate to its actual size in the form of a star gate. We lock eyes, I guess this is goodbye my fellow acolytes. Redwin Tursor steps forward and something I will never forget.

Cyborgs never die
They just send their consciousness on
Lego lego lemme go
Eggo preggo rear and go
Redwin isn't going away
Mission complete
By facts brought concrete
The truth is here to stay.
Embrace what is
To know who you are
For that is all that matters at the end of day.
A cyborg arm will emotionally disarm
In a bear hug that could smash concrete.

Samuraskye then steps forward.

Samuraskye, shimmering light
Warrior space ghosts
Phasing in and out of infinite reality, passing through the fabric of Quantum matter.
Is always there, a ghost
Within the universe machine,
Ghosts never die,
Always here across all parallels
To protect your reality,
We never say die
Ghost fire that will keep you warm.
Mission complete
The Ghost shimmers warm like the sun,
When all things come to pass.

After receiving complementary salutes, with a gentle smile, Cosmo Bunny bid her farewell. "Our cosmic journey ends, but our connection transcends time and space. Embrace your inner truth as you continue your odyssey. Thank you for being part of my tale. Carry my spirit within, united in our quest for truth and growth."
As Cosmo Bunny vanished, shimmering stardust lingered, inspiring the soldiers to venture forth. They embraced their intertwined destinies, knowing they were forever connected in the infinite expanse of the universe.

One by one they disperse, leaving behind particle puzzles in their wake which marks future generations to peer into the sky as stars in the night. Then, just as they wisped away like a distant memory, the pull took hold of me. Reversing me back to my timelining space, leaving me disoriented from the sudden disposition. Another thought occurred, those that went and came were none other than forerunners who occupy distant memories of spatial dimensions channeled in multiple bodies. It never seemed to cross my mind before…possibly due to luminous translucent astronomical diencephalon that transcends the paragon of transmural lexicons and in the end, I lack the knowledge to decipher that unnatural phenomenon that I have been thrust upon.

Balcar: Samuraskye
Chelsea: Cosmo Bunny
Emmit: Redwin Tursor

#complexities #Moon/Nature/Space #beyondthinking

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