

But is It
As kids, one of the scariest moments in our lives is when our parents look at our school grades. But what they wanted to see isn't that easy to achieve As I grew older I realized school can be a lot more than just 2 pages of math homework. Each night it was on and off stress finishing biology Pages that make no sense math that is way too easy for you because you never understood it that well as much as others did learning a whole new language. You hardly undersend keeping up. With people who know more than you do about the instrument you play. The tests an endless russell of work and stress I cannot say, why don't you get good grades? Why can't you be more like other kids I don't learn as quickly as others do.
And maybe that's not the case for you But I am a child and That's not the only thing I'm dealing with. People say it's easy or at least the adult but is it....
© Ashley