


I turn the volume up and shut reality out,
The noise erases a silence found in doubts,
I avoid mirrors, don't like what I see,
I don't sleep anymore, what are dreams?,
I am not motivated to live, and so I die,
Every day I draw breath, it's another lie,
For nothing gets better, it's all just numb,
The world is a dark place, and I am done,
Everything I touch only turns to dust,
I Had such plans, didn't become much,
I fold into myself, don't got much to say,
Silence the answer when asked if I'm okay,
It says no one cares, I believe with all my heart,
That no one truly gets the battles fought in the dark,
Take a breath, its life, you got this,
No i don't, I'm lost, I get sad, I miss,
I don't know myself anymore, it's strange,
I never had it in me to create any change,
So now I am disappointed, it's laughable,
Only pain for my attempts, just troubles,
Drowning in mental health, can't breathe,
Is this all there is to this?, I fade in me,
The days merge together, outside of time,
I get more distant, as I lose my mind,
The tears don't come anymore, do I feel?
Hard to cope now, what is even real?,
Fading into nothing, I clutch the pieces of my shell,
Will I conquer this enemy?, I am no longer able to tell.

© C.Wynter