

Socially Selective
Just perusing through my feed today
Deciding who to block
First impressions are always the worst
But blocking makes it stop.

I don’t need to read a swear word
in every other sentence
I don’t need see your bias decrees
About everything that’s sacred.

I don’t need to read about your escapades
As it relates to gratification.
Masturbation, exhortations
and everything that’s sacred.

I don’t need to see your racist comments
People are just people
The past is the past, many were persecuted
Every single life is precious.

I don’t need to see your political viewpoints
On which government is superior
We’re all just people,
we should love each other,
No one is inferior.

Blocking people is so gratifying
And they wouldn’t be of the wiser
It’s a silent move, as I’m drinking my coffee
It’s a gift on poetizer. 🤗

© JustAnotherInkling🎨