

I'm in stillness of remembering you!
I'm in stillness of remembering you
Time is passing me by
tik -tik the hands of the clock⏰,
Waterdrops of this slightly opened tap💧
dripping through our memories
Whiz passing sound of the wind🍃
running these dried leaves🍂 as if making sprints
Making some paths clear, leaving your footprints 👣
Like the shadow of moon 🌕falling on the sea🌊
twinkling the stars🌟 capturing the beauty
Wandering around my heart being empty
Diving into past some things being true
Dissolving these coffee beans i made a brew
Sipping through the strong aroma,and now it doesn't let me sleep💤
Stability of this 💓 and mind🧠 often hard to keep
Onto the next page of this book📖
Somewhere i'm lost blurry these words look
The less i think the more my mind drew
I'm in stillness of remembering you
Searching anything through the first letter
Your name Instragram threw
I'm in stillness of remembering you
Light's 💡off closed my eyes ran threw
I'm in stillness of remembering you!!

© yuvraj7