

Be The Same!!!
Was once lost and thought I had found myself only it was all a lie!
The voices always telling me nobody will ever care enough about you no matter how hard you try!
Laughing at me when all I want to do is cry!

But what happens if those tears have run dry?
Guess the only thing you can really do is just lay there and with every breath sigh!
Beginning to wonder if maybe the best thing left is to say goodbye!

Nobody wants you around anymore just see the truth before your eyes you can no longer deny!
By everyone else’s rules you choose to say screw this I will no longer comply!
You’d rather not live this way and would much rather be gone, be dead, and just die!

There’s a storm in you ready to explode!
There’s nobody that can crack your code!
Now it’s time to head into game over mode!

Tired of this neverending and tireless road!
You’re mind tells you it’s time to lock and load!
The seeds of your worthlessness have already been sowed!

On this path of patheticness you’ve always rode!
Ready to scream and shout and these feelings ready to unload!
You’ve given your best to everyone but you’re a puzzle they’ll never understand and they can never decode!

Do you hate yourself enough yet?
When I look in the mirror all I can say is that’s a damn good bet!
I’m just a lost cause that nobody will ever get!

If I left today, tomorrow, someday would there be any regret?
All that’ll be left of me is my shadow just a lonely silhouette!
Everyone will just tell me all you need is a little life reset!

No more lies will I listen to when everybody says the grass is always greener on the other side!
Then speak to me the truth and I’ll step aside!
Show me the proof that can’t be denied!
If it’s true then show me and become my guide!

No answers from you just along on this ride!
I’m ready to go disappear somewhere and forever hide!
There have been no answers to provide!

So tired of always pretending with this false happy smile when all I wish for is that I would’ve died!
I’m done, it’s over, and I’ve tried!
Into that cold and lonesome place inside the dark now I’ll slide!

Tired of everyone always saying don’t worry everything will be fine!
So sick of always hearing that overexaggerated line!
Maybe within that darkness I’ll finally be able to shine!

Maybe all I need is some kind of sign!
Maybe all the stars will finally align!
Inside this cage in my mind myself I’ll confine!

Just don’t want to think anymore at all!
Comoared to everyone else I always feel so small!
Tired of running just let me crawl!

Too bad everyone else says too late time for me to play ball!
What’s it matter anyway I only ever run into that proverbial brick wall?
No I don’t think so into that dark place I’ve chosen to fall!

Have the demons won this never ending game?
Will I go down in a fiery flame?
If I’ve lost myself I’m the only one to blame!

Never thought this would be who I became!
Have I already given up and now I’m just lost in my own shame?
Who am I anymore and what’s my name?

Didn’t want to make others feel lost like me this isn’t the aim!
I’m just someone that you can consider to be lame!
Doesn’t matter whether the demons win or not because I know in my mind never will I ever be the same!

© BDawg90