

In distress, a damsel wanders
Lost in the woods, her heart squanders
Tired and scared, she seeks a savior
From the clutches of a dragon's favor
She stumbles upon a mighty beast
With scales glistening, ready to feast
But with a closer look, she sees
Beneath the fierce exterior, a heart at ease
The dragon speaks in gentle tones
As he flies her to his home
Amazed, the damsel discovers
That this dragon is like no other
He tends to her wounds with care
And listens to her tale of despair
With a roar, he promises to protect
For he can see her pain and neglect
Together they devise a plan
To defeat the one who caused her pain
The dragon, with fire and might
Fights for the damsel, with all his might
And when the battle is finally won
The damsel's heart is no longer undone
For she has found a friend in this dragon
A protector, a savior, and a companion
With tears in her eyes, she thanks the beast
For showing her kindness, when she needed it least
For the damsel in distress has been set free
By the dragon, who was not what he seemed to be.
Dragon, creature of fire and flight
With wings spread, you shine so bright
A symbol of strength, power and grace
Fierce and majestic, in every place
Your scales, a shimmering armor
Protecting you from any harm or terror
Your breath, a blaze of fury and might
Fierce and mighty, in every sight
You fly high in the endless sky
Breathing fire, as you pass by
The ground trembles beneath your feet
As you land, with such gentle heat
But behind the fire, there lies a heart
Of compassion, love and art
For the dragon is not just a beast
But a protector, for those in need
Through valleys and mountains, you roam
Your fire, your ultimate home
And when danger comes, you rise
Defending the weak, with no compromise
Oh dragon, a symbol of courage and might
Your presence, a magnificent sight
We may fear you, but we also admire
For you are a creature, unlike any other.

Authorship by Dr. Dashaun Snipes
©️ Dr. Dashaun Snipes
®️ Dragon

© ApproximatePower