

I am heavy.
not just in the sense of my body,
although that is more than heavy enough.
But also me, I am just the physical embodiment of heavy.
I will wear you down as I do myself.
this isn't a cry for help,
it's a cry of warning,
of ger out while you still can,
before you become heavy too,
get far far away from me,
before i ruin something precious with my poison again,
i am so heavy,
my head is heavy ,
my heart is heavy,
my arms dont have the want to move,
everything around me questioning,
why are we doing this again?
do we really have to suffer one more morning?
this never ending inevitability of waking up,
waiting for the elephant to take its feet off my chest,
wanting to sink down below the mattress,
I am not worth it,
the door is behind you,
and I promise if you do not take that door,
and get away from heavy,
you will regret it for the rest of your days,
quit trying to save the unsavable,
it wont matter in the end,
and this tiny shred of hope you've given me,
is an unintentional ounce of cruelty
© amaltheafiore