

The hilal has been sighted
Fasting is no more, The day has arrived
The joyous day Called Eid is here
A time of celebration, love and cheer

A time for families to gather
To celebrate with love and cheer
To feast on delicious food
And spread happiness near and far

Children dressed in new clothes
Excitedly run around and play
Greeting each other with hugs and gifts
And wishes of a happy Eid

Ramadan was a time of devotion
To Allah whom we are his creation
The time of fasting and standing
And lengthening of our prayers

Eid the time of inspiration
A time to strengthen our devotion
To Allah our faith and dedication
To our family our love and emotion

The Eid prayer we offer in congregation
To thank Allah our Lord
For guiding us though Ramadan
And gifting us with a day like Eid

I ask Allah to make this Eid bring happiness and prosperity
I ask him to make it fill your heart with love and serenity

May Eid strengthen your daily and your bond
With your family, community and beyond
Let's also remember the less fortunate
And share our blessings with them
For kidneys and charity
Are a part of the foundations of Islam

Eid mubarak to you and your loved ones
May Allah bless you with his grace and his love
May he keep you safe, happy and healthy
And unite us all in the home of infinite bounty



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