

my sins are written with love
You remind me of sweet little love songs...

...in the rain

I see the sun...

...and I think of you

I've whispered thousands of nothing's into the ears of the moon but when your name leaves my lips the stars glow brighter than your eyes...

...if that is possible

My darling dear I know you hate your name but I will repeat it for the rest of my lifetime

You told me your name and melodies played I know it's cliche

But it's almost as if the moon, the sun, and the stars have been twirling your name into my skin

I feel like I've known you a thousand lifetimes but you only just walked through the door

My love I am in love with you

Your name and love in the same sentence feels like fireworks dancing on my heartbeat

My love

My darling

My dear

They say we are sinners

But I have loved you since heaven and I will love you in hell

If loving you is truly an act of sin then god gouge out my eyes and cut my hands clean off cause I vow to sin with you for the rest of my life

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