

In my quiet cozy room,I am confined,
Raindrops tap gently on the windowpane,
A symphony of nature's whispered tune,
Inviting contemplation, peace to gain.

Within this sanctuary, walls embrace,
The world outside drifts into a soft blur,
Time slows down, a tranquil, unhurried pace,
Thoughts wander freely, without a stir.

Chrysalism, the feeling so serene,
Wrapped in solitude, a comforting shroud,
A moment's respite from the daily scene,
Where inner voices speak clear and loud.

Embracing the beauty of the unseen,
In this cocoon of stillness, we are endowed,
With the gift of presence, a serene dream,
Chrysalism's embrace, we are allowed.

Glossary- Chrysalism
The tranquility of being indoors during a