

When lyrics and music come together….
Every summer yearns for rain...,
Earth waiting for the touch of rain....
I am also waiting for you like an unwritten poem.....,
Waiting For the moment you caress my dry desert like cool rain......

That day...
I have melted into the cold rain of you that fell on me without knowing it......
I searched only for you in the magic you created with your voice....,
When you conquered my lines, I became a writer....

When I reduced my world to you alone, new poems were born in it……..
When you smiled with the sky blue in your eyes, I was surprised that I did not know what new look filled me.....
You smiling with closing your eyes...,
Did you know it fills me with light?

The lines in me never ending......,
The music in you never ending.....
Somewhere along our never-ending journey we will meet…..
You are familiar to me then...,
But I am a stranger to you....
I am the only one who loved you silently.....

© enigma🦋
#Love&love #poem #lyrics