

Incomplete !
Talking to you everyday
Became a habit, way of my life
Addicted to your voice
Restless, I would become

Become dependent on you
Thinking you were mine and inseparable
Far or near; busy or free
We would find time for each other till that day

You would generally call me around 10am
But my phone didn’t rang even after waiting
Thinking something was wrong
I started to call few time - only to be declined

Declined without any message or reason
After few tries, I gave up
Restless, I became
One of the longest wait

After an hour or so, you called
Only to tell me - never call you again
For a moment, I felt like exploding from inside
So many things in my mind

Yet without asking for any reason
I said Ok and kept the phone
Breaking from inside
Yet I put my bravest face

I will never be the same again
Without you in my life
I feel incomplete today also even after 2 years
Yet I won’t complain

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