

Echoes of Bitter Love: A Poem Dedicated to Dr. Jose Rizal
In the depths of Rizal's heart and mind, a tale I shall weave,
Of a hero named Dr. Jose Rizal, whose spirit could not deceive.
A Filipino of greatness, a master of the written word,
But in the realm of love, bitterness within him stirred.

Beside his beloved wife, a woman so admirable and true,
Rizal felt a joy unmatched, in her presence he knew.
Yet deep within his soul, a heartache he concealed,
For the lingering past that refused to be healed.

He loved another once, a love that faded away,
But his endeavors in love did not lead him astray.
His wife, loyal and loving, stood by his side,
Yet in Rizal's heart, a wound he could not hide.

Bitterness filled his being, memories haunting his sight,
In the depths of the night, he experienced the pain of regret's bite.
He wished to conceal the sorrow that burdened his soul,
But through his poems and writings, his sadness took its toll.

With every failure, his anguish grew stronger,
Even in his writing, he battled the depths of despair longer.
Rizal, a hero of the nation, a man with a beating heart,
Imprisoned by a love that he could not fully depart.

Yet amidst the bitterness and sorrow he endured,
Rizal continued to fight, his service to the nation assured.
His words and writings, forever etched in time,
Bringing light and hope to those who seek to climb.

So in our hearts and minds, let us remember with utmost grace,
The power of love and sacrifice that Rizal embraced.
Let us never forget his teachings and love so grand,
And in every era, embody the spirit of Rizal in our land.

In this poem, though fictional, let us pay tribute to Rizal's name,
A hero with a heart, leaving an immortal flame.
The bitterness of love may not easily fade,
But his spirit will guide us, shining the way we parade.
© Bittercrazy18