

Knock knock... it's New York
Smalls wings are now breaking my back with its growth.

I feel it's New York, it's knocking on my door, New York wants me to fly, wants me to not lose hope.

I know what I am made of, I know what I've done, I am stronger now, I am wishing always more .

When my wings are long enough I will be in New York.

When I think about New York I secretly smile, feel alive and full of joy.

My heart can shine, my voice can sing through the wind, my soul can hope even more.

I will own every night, I will smile admiring the sky full of inspirational lights.

I will walk inside, I will make my dreams come true, dancing with these lights, telling the buildings to join in a beautiful New York night.

New York: I won't hide anymore, some day from my chest a ray of light will come, I will touch your night lights with my new soul.

Times Square, Empire State please wait for me there.

Because all my dreams are in the city that I belong, the city that I love the most: The city of New York.
