

Spell Forever [5]
til I can comprehend the younger generations
til I can stand the noise in an alternative rock concert
til I can take my headphones off of my ears
til I can take my eyes off of screens
til I can leave the house without the gadgets
til I can live life cashless
til I witness the return of barter system
til I can build house gateless, lockless, knobless
til I can sleep safely at night outdoors
til I experience the real feeling of being secured
til I can welcome the people back to life
in the New World
til I participate in serving them food
meeting them at large balcony
writing their names , birth day
and ressurection day as it should
til I study the word with ancient servants
til they share to me their faith
til I meet David and hear his original melodies
til I get to know and memorize the real tune
of Psalms
til I write , Collab poems with him under the trees of palms
til he teach me how to craft a harp
til he teach me how to lay the strings in it
til he teach me how to tune it
til he teach me how to transpose
til he reveals, did they used chords' system?
til he teach me how to play it
til its my turn to teach him how to use electric guitar
til I show him an amplifier
til he says "we survived and thrived
with the nature of echo, way back then"
til I teach him how to recycle
til he teach me how to use sling shot and spear
not for war nor to induce fear
til he reenact how was Goliat was killed
til he revealed what kind of stone he threw
is it igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic?
til he says it's both skill and faith that made him win
til he teach me how to hunt
I will refuse to kill the bears and lions
til he let me meet all his sons
and the sons of his best friend -

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