

The world we live in today.
It is cruel,
deception is the order of the day, hypocrisy and hatred prevail,
a man hates another because of his colour, language, and race.

The world we live in today.
poverty is a curse,
the poor have no place in this cruel world,
religion is no longer the way,
humans are used and things are loved, Forgiveness is dead, but revenge and avenge are alive and well.

The world we live in today.
love is not sacrificing but profit-making,
children do not respect parents, wives do not respect husbands, and husbands do not adore their wives.

The world we live in today.
people are wolves in sheep's clothing, friends become enemies,
Discipline is wickedness,
shamelessness is a pride.

The world we live in today.
Abortion is a human right,
children are raped, women sleep with women, men with men, fathers with daughters, humans with animals, pastors with parishioners.

The world we live in today.
Truth is injustice,
Being real is ego,
people are judged by appearance,
The innocent suffer.

The world we live in today.
Families are disunited,
Sinners are judges,
love is paid with hate,
Successors have friends,
Failures have enemies.

Above all, in the world we live in today, *LIFE IS SHORT.

© Francis Bassie