

Ripple Effect

To pacify a friend’s emotionally disturbed heart, To handle the twists and turns of life, We have to try to lend a hand and help each other out, Because living alone is like holding the edge of a knife.

Not destined to be alone in such a world that functions cruelly, It is kindness that’s always an easier route, Resulting in everyone feeling better, Because happiness is this life’s true pursuit.

Selfishness can be a two-edged sword, Producing only loneliness as a friend,
There are others besides ourselves we must begin to care about, With hands and hearts we should extend.

Image if each of us took the time to find, Just one or two persons that were sincerely in need, The ripple effect it would have on this world, If everyone who planted only planted “good” seed.

What was sown would produce a crop, Greater crops would produce bountiful harvests, Then that knife everyone was holding on to, Could reap gentleness instead of acts of harshness.

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