

In the realm of Liberosis, a state of deliberate indifference or carefree attitude, one finds a sanctuary from the burdens of overthinking and attachment. It is a place where the mind releases the weight of decisions, where the heart learns the art of detachment.

In this space of liberation, the soul dances freely, unencumbered by the chains of expectations and worries. It is a realm where simplicity reigns, where the beauty of the present moment is embraced without the shackles of the past or the anxieties of the future.

In embracing Liberosis, one finds a sense of peace and clarity, freedom from the incessant need to control outcomes or hold onto things too tightly. It is a state of being where the spirit soars, unfettered by the constraints of worldly concerns, and where the lightness of being brings a profound sense of contentment and joy.
© Simrans