

Hide & Seek
I am perpetually perplexed by you.

You are the coherence of my scrambled thoughts
and the paradox that scrambled them
in equal measure.

You are both the calamity of my disordered mind
and the salvation of my fragile heart.

You are all of the sounds I hear when you're near
and yet you are also the silence between us.

You are the distance between blinks and tears,
yet also the parting of my lips for a laugh.

You are all of the things I love that exist
and yet nothing that exists compares to you.

I have felt an isolation that I can't describe
both within and without your presence,
yet I have never felt more accompanied
than when your hand is wrapped in mine.

So little did I know before the day
that my gaze first met with yours,
and yet so little do I know now
that you have your back turned to me.

Such insurmountable disorientation
intermittently captivates my attention,
and yet so much clarity and translucency
is granted when you command it to be yours.

I am perpetually perplexed by you,
but perhaps it's what keeps me
at your every beck and call.

I may never know the full scope
of who you are and what you do to me,
but this game of hide and seek
is all right with me.

I am blessed to have limitless amounts of time
to count the seconds while you hide from me...
only to find my way into your arms again.


— © think twice