

goodbyes are not my thing
I wish I could forget.
but I don't want to forget.
all your pain.
and all my apathy.

goodbyes are not my thing.

what to do
when I terribly miss you?

memories of that doctor's room,
the density of the waiting room,
the hobbly walks,
and the fainted strength...

I am not ready to write this poem for you
but what to do
when I terribly miss you?

good byes are definitely not my thing.

we've lived together for years
I have loved you
even so more from afar
we've had our distancing
yet we have loved so tough
not spoken of often
but we knew
what our silence was meaning

on the pathways of my brain
is your person so strong
and that perfume
so null

my heart sinks
the heaviness of raw iron lingers
at the thought of the unheard sounds.
never again real sounds.
I am not satisfied.
with the ones in my head.

the thought of not hearing your clumsy,
behind the windows,
walking through the door,
is bothering.

the muted echoe
of your voice
never to be heard
the sound of its noise
never to be feared again
is burdensome.


don't ask me to say good bye.

good NIGHTs are not my thing.

your love

Ewenam YAA
