

The voice
I keep hearing your voice. It is not a calam voice. You try to terminate me with the look you gave my soul. You took me for granted. You lifted me because you know you don't belong to me. You turn me in something I can't recognize. I am not that person anymore. You took the best part of me. I will never be the same. When a memory comes to me. I feel that fear in my heart. I closed my heart so you couldn't see me hurting inside. When you used to talk to me like I was worth nothing. I strat to feel like I was a waste space. Then I look around. Realized I am free from him.But the memory always stays with me. Now I am stronger. But the heart is broken. Thank God my heart has a warrant from God. He will always be there for me. With his voice whisper to me. Remember who you are. So when I am in my dark day and the nightmare comes back. I close my eyes and talk to God. He is the reason I am here today. His voice will always fix my heart.But now it is my turn to speak with my words and thoughts. Only voice will stay is mine. So I can pray and go straight forward to my life.
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