

Wisdom Whispers.
She does not shout.
She does not cause a scene.
She does not react.

Wisdom whispers.

As others raise their voices
In a desperate effort to be heard,
Wisdom maintains her low hum.
She knows that people worthy
And willing
Will hear her call
Beyond the cacophony.

Wisdom does not limit herself.
She does not hide herself
Away from people
For any reason.
ANYONE can hear her,
If they only try.

Wisdom is found in every
Location on the globe.
She whispers in every language,
Alive and dead.

She reminds us to be humble.
She reminds us to show each other
Love and respect.
She reminds us that we are
Insignificant in the universe,
But are made significant
Through our kindness to others
In our lives.

She reminds us that
No-one knows everything.
That we know nothing.
But we create meaning
In our relationships
With others.

She is beginning and end.
She is everything and nothing.
Wisdom whispers,
Urging us to listen.
© O.M.A

#poem #poetrycommunity #writco #writcoapp #lifelesson #friendship #WritcoQuote #Love&love #inspirational