

she’s fast
She's fast

She's fast
But a grown man touched her 
She's a child 
Mama and her grandmama
Says she's too fast...
They told her not to bring it 
Up durin Christmas dinner 
She cried...

I didn't like the way 
They say she's fast...
And be on a predator's side....
A grown man, who touched 
Her several times....

He's a monster 
Who comes at night 
And took advantage of her...
She's vulnerable.....

Nobody stops him, 
And her mom knew 
She didn't do anythin....

She didn't protect her daughter 
She warned her if she called the cops 
She will get smacked....

All this time, she's mute....
All her life, she's mute...
Givin her body away like clockwork 
Cos some grown man in the house 
Taught her she's dirty she's worthless....
And grandmama will always tell her 

She's fast...
She grew up 
Lovin men who wanted sex from her....

She doesn't know 
What real love looks like.....
At all.....
When she has her daughter 
And a grown man came around 
The cycle continues....

It's so upsettin
The fact she continues to 
Go on with the cycle 
Cos it happened to 
Her and her mother and her 
Mother's mother 
Like it's normal....

That's a curse....💔©️ Kai C. 6-29-24

When you hear these stories from girls on TikTok through YouTube, and your mom doesn't protect her own daughter. It pisses me off.... her grandma didn't do anything at all. She said she was fast. There are supposed to be most trusted adults. They never fought a grown man. They let that pedophile go.... and you see a lot of little girls stayed quiet the whole time. Especially little black girls. Because nobody believes them. I don't have experiences like that. I have empathy for them...childhoods are ruined..innocence is gone...this is why pedophiles should be dead...there are another type of violent people who roam the earth Freely. People are making excuses which is sick to my stomach... I have to be protected aunt mode. Creeps are dangerous.
© Kai C..