


The dust settles slowly atop the foundation.
Now solid after years of sinking in the sand.
A myriad of deep hurt and consternation,
Reflecting on the path as the final speck lands.

The last speck settles to the ground.
Rebuilding out from the wreckage.
A myriad of hurt and consternation.
Time to reflect. Time to heal.

Solid footing but stuck in place.
Before the battles began .
A smile that still haunts the most lucid dreams.
The blaze that once lit up a now dormant soul.

The world shakes with reckless abandon.
Turned on its head and then rights itself.
Footing may be solid, but unable to move.
Memories glittering down of what once was.

Watching them fall. Remembering them all.
Flashing by. Drawn like a moth to a flame.
Moments sealed in time.
Never will they be embraced again.

The last speck falls to the ground once more.
The world upside down, the process repeats.
Over and over watching the memories flash by.
Never will it feel like that again.

No way to keep count of this repetitive cycle.
Doomed to be haunted by what once was.
Shaken before the storm, each and every time.
If only tears could fall from frozen eyes.

© The Moonlight Bard