

Write About The Experience!
Expressed through words the experience of being alive.
As tea is brewing and others are snoozing.
Describe the quiet ambience and serenity.
As Chaos ensues write about the transition and the aftermath.
Write about a soothing bath.
Detailed description of heartache.
A ride through the countryside on a train.
The hesitation of getting on a plane.
Explain your emotions so others can relate.
The teardrops that fall during the rain.
The pain Left behind as you walked away.
Maybe that first embrace on a summer's day.
Hearing the words I do on your wedding day.
As we communicate we open doors to experiences, others wish they could or feel blessed that they didn't go through.
Like losing a beloved pet or the sounds of war!
A baby crying for the first time after it's born or a loved one's voice that you haven't heard in a while.

#Lifr #Write #experience
© Life is amazing, if you let it be!