

Humanity's favorite day dream,
A mortal world with an angels grace,
Unattainable image to touch, like a sun beam,
Like catching shadows, lies they chase.

In route to mirror heaven's light,
Vision tunneled in this mistrial.
Many lose their way; day and night.
Chains of their demise, stuck in denial.

For angels, born of thought alone,
Many strive to be the divine,
An elaborate illusion, for one to atone,
Forgetting the beauty of our own design.

Isn't quite as what it seems,
Not easy to see through the cracks,
Imprisoned by societies schemes,
Afaird to accept ones true self are facts.

Became a stranger to reality,
Trapped in this perfections cage, no key,
Mirrors can see all of your morality,
Will my reflection be all I thought it would be?