

A Dangerous Place
The world is a dangerous place,
Where shadows lurk and fears dictates.
Beneath the sun's warm, gentle face,
Dark clouds gather, with storms encase.

There's whispers of danger in the breeze,
With silent threats that never cease.
In the wild, the hunter's tease,
In urban streets, only a fragile peace.

And nature's fury, untamed might,
Where earthquakes shake and storms ignite.
With floods that sweep with ruthless spite,
Like a perilous dance of day and night.

There're man-made perils, and crafted woes,
As wars, conflict, and hatred grows.
And injustice reigns, and nobody knows
How deep the pain, how fierce the blows.

Yet in this danger, courage lies,
In every heart where hope defies.
Because in the dark, new dawns arise,
And through the storm, the spirit flies.

The world is dangerous, it's true,
But strength and love will see us through.
For every peril we subdue,
There's a brighter world, for me and you!!


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo