

In gardens of color, where flowers bloom,
A creature of grace, the butterfly, takes flight.
With wings so delicate, like a painter's brush,
It dances on the breeze, a mesmerizing sight.

Oh, butterfly, with your vibrant hues,
You bring joy and wonder wherever you go.
Your wings, a masterpiece of nature's design,
A symbol of transformation, a story to show.

From humble beginnings, a caterpillar's crawl,
You undergo a metamorphosis, a magical change.
Emerging from your chrysalis, reborn and free,
A butterfly emerges, with wings to arrange.

With grace and elegance, you flutter and soar,
Exploring the world, from flower to flower.
You sip on sweet nectar, a delicate feast,
Spreading pollen, nature's hidden power.

Butterfly, you teach us the beauty of change,
That transformation can bring newfound delight.
You remind us to embrace life's twists and turns,
And to embrace our own journey, taking flight.

Oh, butterfly, a symbol of hope and grace,
You inspire us to embrace our own true colors.
To spread our wings and chase our dreams,
With resilience and strength, like no others.

So let us celebrate the butterfly's dance,
As it flutters through the air, so carefree.
May its beauty remind us of life's wonders,
And the endless possibilities that we can see.

In gardens of color, where flowers bloom,
The butterfly enchants, a symbol of grace.
May its presence bring joy and inspiration,
As it dances through life, leaving a trace.

© D.mia