

Demonic Behavior
Where is the leadership of being false accessory to your own identity, when been a fool to your own understanding, it's a mobility for pride.
The only day should be celebrated, is what Jesus did for you on the cross ,
not for us to continue sinning.
If I own issues haven't grown up to be an adult, What? Make you Thank we will, everything comes with warning.
These consumers that have more with their take home pay then what we gross.
Inflation is a decal for stealing?what law tells the Government to be so crooked, that their Spirit has demonic control for your life.
Before man made its mistake, Lucifer became the first religion, the first sin. And The first fool.
This is what our Government has become darkness for demonic behavior.
By Frederick Pennix Aka Praiser The Poet The Show:Off Worshiper
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