

"See Clearly"
Invisible people might be here,
How can make this more clear?
I feel danger may be near,
What I can't see, I do fear.

I see their shadows walking by,
They stalk me, they like to spy,
If I don't listen, I just might die,
They don't care how much you cry.

They don't care how you feel,
They, sometimes, like to steal,
They even say that they will kill,
They won't allow you time to heal,
They will poison every meal,
They want you to know that they are real.

They've followed me for countless weeks,
Because of them, my house wreaks,
They tell everyone, "This one {bleeps}!"
Solidarity is what I now seek.

Is it so hard for your eyes to see,
More than what is portrayed of me?
Is this how my life is supposed to be?
I hate this place but, I can't leave.

I tried to run but, I'm on a leash,
Would someone come & help me please,
Can't lock my doors, they have the keys,
Sweaty summers with no A/C,
Winter's cold without the heat,
No one hears my chattering teeth.

This is my story that you won't believe,
I'm in a trap & can't break free,
I can't seem to find relief,
Don't even bother calling the police.

It's a game of hide-n-seek,
Through my windows, they take a peek,
I can't win if they are going to cheat,
Solidarity is what I now seek.

© W. Helin